Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Finish, and February Fun!


A quick post to report that I have finished my hexagon stitch-a-long!

We are in Cincinnati as I write this, visiting #1 Daughter and our son-in-law.  When we return to Montana, I will take it to Michael's for framing - they have always been immensely helpful in choosing a frame and matting that complements the piece.

During our visit, we have continued to discuss the wedding cross-stitch design, which I wrote about in my January 14 post.  At that time, I pitched utilizing StitchFiddle as my pattern creator, and also asked my readers for input.  People suggested Stitch a Photo as an alternative, and I called one of my favorite cross-stitch shops for advice - Stitch a Photo!  This pattern creator charges a fee for the design (at StitchFiddle you can opt to pay for a Premium version), and I am willing to pony that up if it ensures a quality design, and more importantly, a quality result!  I have been communicating with Gail at Busy B Crafts (creator of Stitch a Photo), and she has been so helpful.  Stay tuned for more details!

In the meantime, we are having a fabulous time celebrating my 60th birthday, and I might just get in a little stitching time during the Super Bowl today!

*my sister gifted me finger-less gloves and a matching headband!

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching

 Slow Sunday Stitching