Sunday, May 30, 2021

Mosaic Monday #133: Happy Homemaker


As I look back over the month, the photos suggest that I have been nesting.  Cooking.  Crafts.  Being spoiled for Mother's Day.  Celebrating a new creative space.  But inexorably, the days are lengthening, and I am returning to my summer habits - gardening, kayaking with Dear Neighbor Friend, strolls in the back forty, river walks in Whitefish, hikes with Man with Hat, and so much more.  So, before May becomes as faint as last year's tan lines, let's take a look!

May in Montana moves from brown to green in a matter of weeks, but frost can threaten anything that is not native, or particularly vulnerable specimens.  I have learned the hard way not to plant pots or driveway baskets until June.  Desiring a little color on the front porch, I decided to make a spring wreath.  With the exception of the peacock feathers, which came from DNF, all of my materials came from the thrift store.

I resolved to cook once a week to give Head Chef a break, and generally I am on track.  (I have cheated twice and opted for dessert rather than a meal!!!)  The Somerset Stew recipe is another meal from Jan at Low Carb Diabetic; we added sausage to our dish.

Mom crosses my mind frequently.  I've lost count of the number of times I reached for my phone to call her.  One day, I was moved to make a childhood favorite, Snickerdoodles.  I talked to Mom throughout the baking process.  So yummy!

In college, I started collecting recipes in a school folder.  Some were typed out on the family typewriter.  Some are newspaper clippings, long since yellowed.  A cherished few are in my Mom's handwriting, such as directions for the Thanksgiving turkey.  It has been a (mild) source of annoyance for Head Chef, since it clutters his kitchen, and it is falling apart.  So, it is now in my "office" (more later) and it will be put in order one day.  In the meantime, reminiscing as I held the innards that have come away from the folder, I decided to make Broccoli and Cheese Crepes.  

Spring always carries memories of rhubarb.  My Dad's garden had several plants, and we ate rhubarb in many forms from sauce to crumble to raw, the moist end of the stalk dipped in sugar.  (But beware that you don't eat the section too close to the leaf - my older brother did that once and he got quite sick!)  I was a bit shocked to find that Head Shopper had to search high and low to find enough rhubarb for this crumble recipe!  It was worth it!

Ever since we moved into this house, the dining room table and the couch in the great room have been my "office" and crafting center.  I had plans to create a crafting space in the dormer of the upstairs bedroom - big enough for a large desk, and with a view of the lake and hills.  I had envisioned a tall desk - think bar height - and something unique.  However, once #1 Son moved in with us, I began to realize it was not a practical solution since the area would be unavailable anytime we had guests.  Spousal Unit and I agreed that we could reconfigure the loft to accommodate me.  After lots of fruitless shopping for desks/tables at vintage stores, Spousal Unit suggested I look at standing desks on the Web.  Eureka!  

The design by Uplift is attractive and also fits the rustic industrial theme of our house with the dark wood and black metal hardware.  Without too much fuss, Spousal Unit and #1 Son assembled the two separate desks (each one raises and lowers independently).  The "L" shape configuration is ideal for the space and provides significant working surface for me.  And there is still enough room for the couch (we donated the cocktail table that used to be in front of the couch; we plan to buy two small ottomans and two small side tables).

Given the open nature of this set-up, it is important to both of us that my work space is organized and in keeping with the design of the house.  I was thrilled to find this wood top storage unit with three meshed metal drawers - it is an added bonus that you can see the contents of the drawers without opening them!

I am also endeavoring to keep all of my supplies within the footprint of the desks, so using this vintage crate for binders and placing the Pendaflex on top of it maximizes the space. And isn't this trash bin adorable?

Here is the current look with one desk raised to standing height.  (I wanted to show you the view, but the picture does not do it justice!)

On Mother's Day, Spousal Unit spoiled me with breakfast in bed, and also surprised me with a box of chocolates.  

I always shed tears when reading my Mother's Day cards.  It's like being wrapped in a warm blanket of hugs!

So, here we are, with one day remaining in the month.  Life is too precious to take even one day for granted, so I will not write that I am anxious for June to arrive.  Instead, I will leave you with more of May's bounty - lilacs along the Whitefish River, and reflections in our lake after a passing rainstorm.  Enjoy!

Welcome to Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme where we get together to share our photo mosaics and collages.
Please include at least one photo mosaic/collage in your post.
The link will be open from 1 p.m. Sunday until 11 p.m. Tuesday (U.S. Mountain time).
Remember to add the link to your Mosaic Monday post and not the one to your blog.
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Please try and visit as many other blogs as you can, especially those that join in later, so that everyone's creativity can be appreciated fully.
Thank you for joining in today and sharing your mosaics with us. 


  1. That's some mighty yummy nesting, really!!!

  2.'s great to see that spring has finally arrived in your next of the woods, enjoy it. Thanks for hosting the party.

  3. I love the space you created for your office. So practical and beautiful too. Well done! Most of our lilac bushes are darker then the one you share. Either blue of purple and white.
    In Sweden we have Mothers day today. Last sunday in May.

  4. Snickerdoodles were cookies my mother loved baking.

  5. How wonderful and gave the precious moment you had ♡♡♡
    I miss my late mother (haha, I'm already in the middle of 60's)
    Great to see the different type of gorgeous meal*
    Take Care under difficult situation And Thank you very much for the sweet comments;
    Lots of love from Japan, Miyako;

  6. Yes, now we have springtime. We couldn't awaiting this season. But in the last two weeks it was to cold ... and wet too. The rain is necessary for the nature of course, it was dry.

    Your activities are wonderful, Angie ... but I understand well that the wishes being outside. Montana must be fantastic now.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  7. Hello, Angie
    We have had a cool spring here and the days are flying by. It is nice you are able to do your kayaking and take more walks. Your meals all look delicious, the crepe sounds yummy. I love your new desk and office area. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

  8. A beautiful post, Angie, may you be well and remember your mother with love always! We've had the coldest Spring morning in May ever since weather records began. Tomorrow, our Winter starts...

  9. Your workspace looks beautiful, Angie! It's important to have somewhere comfortable and permanent to do all your creative activities in! Thanks for hosting.

  10. A wonderful post. I must admit to heading for the phone for my late mom, as well. My daughter called yesterday, needing to vent . It was lovely.

  11. Happy Mosaic Monday. Have a good week


  12. What a nice month! Your post feels as warm and cozy as your home. Love the office -- and a standing desk is healthier they say (actually you are so active anyway it probably doesn't make as much difference as it would if I were to get one -- I sit too much!). It's lovely to have a view from your office space. Great solution. All your food, as always, looks wonderful.

  13. Everything looks delicious. Your office/craft room is coming along nicely. It is so nice to have one. I loved what you wrote in the last paragraph, and I always enjoy seeing Montana through your photos.


  14. There will be many moments you will remember all those sweet memories of your mum♥ The wreath is a pretty welcome to your lovely home. LOVE your loft craft room. Oh, the views you must have. Just think, when June (oh that's today) swings by you will be able to look out to the garden and the Montana landscape beyond. Sounds like bliss to me.

  15. Wonderful post! Did you adjust the s
    Snickerdoodle recipe for altitude? I like soft s
    Snickerdoodles, do you? I tried making them as usual at 5200 ft and they came our crispy..not good in my mind. We too start to call GG on the phone and remember she is gone. So sad. Love you.

  16. Lovely post, the name snickerdoodle always makes me smile! Interesting name for a biscuit. Many time something happens here and I want to chat to Dad or Mum, I just send the thoughts up now. Your new area looks wonderful too, perfect for creating.

  17. Angie, Glad to see you are getting a working space. It is best if you keep to the space from the beginning. Cutting back later is really hard. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  18. I understand this nesting feeling and would certainly join you in stews and crumble! Your new office and crafting area look wonderful - one day I'm going to have a trip to Marvellous Montana, your lifestyle is lovely - especially the Mother's Day cards and the brekkie in bed! Have a lovely week!
    Wren x

  19. This post definitely made me hungry

  20. Your spring wreath is wonderful - and it's great that you used second hand materials for it!
    I skim the food photos to avoid getting hungry ;-)
    I especially enjoyed your nature photos! I brought some nature-mosaics for you, too! :-))
    All the best from Austria

  21. How nice to get so much special attention for Mother's Day! I have a bunch of kids...and I'm proud of them and they all called! lol Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  22. I was just thinking I need an overhaul in my kitchen inspirations. My meals have been less than inspiring for sure. I shed a few tears in reading Mother's day sentiments. Those lilacs are beautiful.

  23. We just stocked up on rhubarb to cook and freeze. I remember eating rhubarb dipped in sugar too but I wouldn't dream of doing it now. See how they've gotten to us?

    You will like this. The young lad on the checkout offered to change our hunk of Stratford Blue because he thought it had gone off and we hadn't noticed. The innocence of youth.

  24. Beautiful images Angie, good enough to eat.

  25. oh angie, i do love how you put sentences together, how you write. your words flow so beautifully. i would agree you are nesting, i like nesting!! jan shares some wonderful recipes and it looks like you have a treasure trove of recipes saved.

    you received beautiful cards for mothers day. i am always, buy me a card, i don't need a gift. the office/craft area is coming along nicely!!

  26. June has arrived. Happy planting! Nice to have a dedicated space for crafting, even better with a view to boot. Snickerdoodles are my youngest son's favorite. Enjoy your summer weather. Hot as heck here so have been only taking short evening walks. Take care.

  27. Beautiful images, Angie. Now I'm hungry after seeing broccoli and cheese crepes. :)

  28. Hello Angie, so pleased you enjoyed the Somerset Stew recipe, many thanks for the link back to the low carb diabetic.

    May seemed to go by in a flash and now here we are in June!

    Those lilacs look so lovely in your photographs, one of my favourite plants.

    As I type this it's Friday evening so enjoy the rest of the day and have a lovely weekend.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  29. You have been busy! I don't bake as much as I used to, mainly because of gluten restrictions, but yours looks yummy.

    Great crafting space too! I've never seen a wood topped storage basket cabinet before. Very cool.


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