Tuesday, June 22, 2021

An announcement

To my email subscribers: beginning July 1, 2021, the Blogger email subscription service will be turned off.  Therefore, you will no longer receive emails when I publish a new post.

As you have probably discerned by now, I almost always publish my posts on Sunday mornings, US Mountain time.  I hope you will make a note of my URL and come back weekly to check out my latest adventures!  


Just another change in technology -- we can adapt!

Thanks for supporting "Letting Go of the Bay Leaf" for the last four years - I appreciate every one of you!


  1. We have you in our Feedly Feed Reader so we'll always find you!

  2. Don't worry Angie - you are my firm favourites list, as is Mosaic Monday. I will always search you out. Have a lovely day.
    Wren xx

  3. Tech is constantly changing even when change isn't really necessary or needed. I removed the email subscription gadget from my blog awhile back when I read it was going to be done away with. At least we can add blogs to our sidebars so they pop up when a new post goes up. :)

  4. Already subscribed using Feed Blitz which is different then Feed Burner.

  5. I'd best do a reset then Angie. I didn't know about this change.

  6. I use Feedly for the blogs I follow so unless they fold I won't miss any new posts from you.


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