Sunday, February 13, 2022

Mosaic Monday #166: A Spring Reverie

Spring is flitting among my thoughts, a butterfly alighting here and there, only to whisk away again on gossamer wings.  I just came in from snow-shoeing; the warm caressing breezes are more akin to early April than February 13.  I could have managed with a robust sweatshirt rather than my ancient ski jacket, and the lake that I circled shimmers with puddles lying on its icy surface.  

The arrival of the Prairie Moon Nursery catalog (specializing in native seeds and plants for gardening and restoration) goosed my Spring daydream, and prompted an eye-roll from the Spousal Unit.  With more than 30 years of marriage under his belt, he (wisely) said not a word.  Trying not to salivate on the glossy pictures of pollinator gardens, mix and match trays and host plants, it occurred to me that my garden will be waking up while we travel to the UK and to Grand Cayman.  My mind raced ahead.  What will happen without me here?  Can I put protection in place before we go?  Will it be too cold to install our sprinkler defense system? 

I finally found a few stolen moments to study my garden journal, and I have formulated the beginning of a plan.  The last two weeks of April will find us in the UK; in 2019, the first notes in my journal are from April 21.  On April 8, 2020, I wrote "Planted columbine seeds in front driveway flower bed and several other places in front of the house."  Judging from two years of data, ground squirrels can emerge from hibernation (ravenously hungry, mind you!) anywhere from mid-April to early May.

Weather permitting, the following tasks need to be completed before our UK trip:    1. Guard Strawberries, Stonecrop, Columbine, Nodding Onion, Chives and Goldenrod with chicken wire  2.  Plant Columbine seeds

One worry? Covering the Sand Cherries in the event of frost.  It would not be healthy to wrap them for two weeks, so I might have to ask one of my neighbors to pitch in!

We will be home for two and a half weeks before we fly to Grand Cayman mid-May.  This will be perfect timing to: 1. Install sprinkler defense system  2. Remove dead stalks from plants      3.  Fertilize trees and shrubs   4. Guard Penstemon, Aspen Fleabane, Paintbrush, Poppy and Aster with chicken wire  5. Plant Blanketflower seeds.

By the time we return from Cayman, the garden could look like this.  

All the while I am in this daydream, reality keeps tugging me back, like gravity pulls the moon toward Earth.  I am not ready to let go of winter - the window to enjoy winter sports is already short enough (and getting briefer).  So, for now, you will still find me on the slopes with Spousal Unit and cross-country skiing in the meadow with Dear Neighbor Friend and her dog.  Pray for snow!

Welcome to Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme where we get together to share our photo mosaics and collages.
Please include at least one photo mosaic/collage in your post.
The link will be open from 1 p.m. Sunday until 11 p.m. Tuesday (U.S. Mountain time).
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Please try and visit as many other blogs as you can, especially those that join in later, so that everyone's creativity can be appreciated fully.
Thank you for joining in today and sharing your mosaics with us. 


  1. ...I like a bit more winter and then I'll be ready for spring! Thanks Angie for hosting the party.

  2. So fun seeing all the plants, you and a sweet doggie. I need more winter and am praying for snow before you guys visit.

  3. Such terrific photos! WOW, Grand Cayman is such a beautiful place, we're jealous.

  4. Beautiful spring flowers. I enjoyed reading the post and looking at the picture arrangements.
    Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely day!

  5. I really love seeing images of snow and stories about snow this time of year while we are sweltering in Australia. I spend time in the snow. But till then I will enjoy your posts. The garden journal is such a good idea. But it seems you have quite a bit to do before you go away. But I hope you have more snow and time to enjoy it. Enjoy, stay safe. And thank you again for the link up.

  6. I too enjoy your images of snow, we have had a few hot days here too. I am a bit envious of you travelling, we are not game to do anything like that over here yet. You have a large to do list between holidays. Howe is the puzzle going?

  7. Luv that photo of you and your dog. Happy Monday.

    much love

  8. What wonderful places!!!
    Thank you for hosting and happy Valentine’s Day to you
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  9. Dear Angie - You look so happy playing in the snow. If it snowed even only a couple of days here, I’d prefer winter which always makes me chilled to the bone. You’re so well-organized that you can plan ahead your trips well and care for the garden as well. Imagining the flowering log-cabin on your return in May must be exciting. Take care.


  10. Dear Angie,
    wow, that sounds like busy planning before and between your trips. Wonderful, your Spring-and winter-impressions!
    It's always a little difficult for us too, when we should travel: In the best skiing season? In the time when we should put new plants? In the time when our garden is at its most beautiful (late spring, early summer)? In midsummer, when everyone travels and it's the most expensive? In autumn when everything looks so beautiful here? This year it will be late spring, because a blog friend asked if we wanted to accompany her and her husband :-DD
    I cross my fingers that you can protect all plants well from hungry animals or freak weather. And that you will still have plenty of snow for great winter sports - enjoy!
    Happy Valentine and all the best,
    PS: I have the posting from last week AND from this week for you today :-)

  11. Hello, Angie. Spring can't be too far away... Time seems to flit by so quickly for me now. I blink and the month has gone by.
    The lovely photos of your reverie will soon be reality.

  12. Hello, Angie,
    A trip to the Caymans sounds wonderful right now. I am ready for spring, warm and dry weather. I hope all goes well with your garden. Great photo of you and the neighbor's dog. Take care, have a happy new week!

  13. Yes, daydreams must be, Angie, as ever I believe. That's really funny to read, and I had smileys in my eyes about the flower catalogue and the wise husband. I know very well.

    But hand on my heart: how often we women are quiet with closed mouth and eyes? This is really the secret of a good marriage, I'm thinking.

    Thank you for hosting. 💞 Happy Valentine 💞

  14. It's nice to enjoy the weather you have and get out in the snow. We have some early flowers blooming here and pollen...already! Nice to have a trip to look forward to. Love your mosaics this morning!

  15. Happy Valentine's Day! Grand Cayman sounds fun!

  16. Looks like you have planned well for your garden and the time you will be away. Great winter attitude and taking advantages that snow on the ground gives for enjoying the landscape! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  17. Wonderful spring scenes pictures. Enjoy the winter while it lasts!

  18. That is a lovely photograph of you with the dog.

    How lovely that you are coming over to the UK and then a trip to Grand Cayman, trips to look forward to.

    Here in the UK the snowdrops, crocus and daffodils are flowering, but we have two storms coming in Dudley and Eunice (I don't know who names them) so if the winds are too strong the blooms will not last. We will enjoy them for as long as possible.

    Happy Valentines Day and a happy week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  19. Wonderful shots. Here it is bitterly cold.

  20. I look forward to spring. Thanks for hosting!

  21. I have not yet started to dream about the spring, maybe in a month or so. Lovely that you have great trips to look forward!

  22. Thank you for the beautiful post and dreams of spring. It will be here soon, but enjoy the snow in the meantime!

  23. I think our coldest winter days are over as it is currently perfect weather, around 70 during the day and down in the 50s at night, but a quick look at the weather forecast and I see that as the days progress, we are inching closer to daytime temps of 80 degrees. I'm not organized in any aspect of my life and though I try, just don't stick to anything. Good luck with all your garden preps and plans. My Colorado boy did a couple of days of snowshoeing with a friend a few weeks ago, but winter seems to visit only for a short while and then it turns mild again. The fluctuation of temperatures in some places is pretty crazy. Take care.

  24. Seed catalogs are so much fun to read when it's cold and snowy outside. It's beginning to feel like spring here, but I know that winter could give another blast.
    We are going away for a number of weeks in the summer and I'm thinking about my garden, too. There will be someone living in the house, so perhaps they will take care of it.
    Enjoy planning for your trips - and your garden!

  25. I can't imagine salivating over a seed catalogue unless it's for stuff we can eat. But I know how much you enjoy your garden at all times of the year. Have a great time in The Caribbean and don't fret over us in wet and windy UK. It should be better by April Angie.

  26. I was out shovelling my driveway yesterday (and it needs doing again already) and the sun was warm on my back. Spring really is not too far behind now.

  27. Fantastic photos, Angie. Spring is on it's way. We've had some storms blow in with lots of rain and gusty winds and we even got a bit of snow which is gone now. I'm glad because people can't handle the snow here. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  28. A very ambitious garden plan you got going on there. I am glad that somebody likes winter. If you live in Montana and don't like winter then you are living in the wrong place.
    I am caretaking the monarch way station on our Turkey Mountain. Basically I water it when it gets really dry and this week I'll be spreading seeds of some sort that our butterfly expert has kept in her freezer this winter. The hardest part is putting together 200 ft or so of hose from the faucet the garden.

  29. It's so nice to see the butterfly... and the cute gopher. I'm starting to dream of spring too, but only because we had almost no snow this winter. Last Sunday I went skiing in the beautiful. I'd happily trade a few spring days for snow for blue sky skis... regards to you and have fun skiing... and have a safe trip to the UK too.
    Warm regards in the snow by Viola

  30. ...good morning, I wish you a wonderful Sunday... and I am very happy that you are also enthusiastic about ice dancing, that's what I really enjoy watching on TV. I give you my hand.

  31. Spring does not arrive in our part of Colorado until June! We can get snow and or a freeze any time up to then so I can't plant before June 1.
    Our growing season is short but things still manage to grow to maturity, Last summer was the hottest ever recorded here, and I could not wait for winter to arrive, I am not a hot weather!

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