Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mosaic Monday #108: Christmas Spirit

Are you in the Christmas spirit?  How would you describe Christmas spirit?  I think we all know it when it arrives, but can we capture it in words, this force that can be as fleeting as a snowflake landing on your tongue? Perhaps ...

It's a feeling of lightness, a joy that overcomes any problems or burdens.  For me, songs can be a trigger.  Songs such as We Need a Little Christmas and A Marshmallow World.

It's a feeling that makes you want to reach out and hug the person closest to you, even if it's a stranger on the street.  Sometimes, when I am Christmas shopping on my own, I get this little shiver of excitement when I know I have found just the right gift for someone.  Happiness like that should be shared! (and it will be again, post pandemic!)

(I like to treat myself to lunch out, when shopping.  These days, I choose carefully.  And we discovered a new place nearby, the Big Mountain Ciderworks, which produces its own cider and makes great food, too.)

It's the comfort of traditions, which anchor us.  I love it when the emcees announce the arrival of Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and say that Santa heralds the beginning of the holiday season.

It's the deep sense of contentment when the "halls" have been "decked".

It's the awe of strolling through a winter wonderland, each twig and pine needle sparkling with the diamond sheen of hoarfrost.  Does this even come close to the awe the shepherds felt looking upon the manger?

It's the delight of time with family, playing games, baking holiday goodies or just being in the same room.  

(Head Chef developed a recipe for a deliciously warming martini that we have been enjoying regularly.  2 oz. bourbon, 1 oz. apple cider, 1 oz. sweet vermouth, 1/4 oz. orange juice, 1/4 oz. Cointreau)    

(A shout out to Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti for the inspiration and recipe for this Pumpkin Buttermilk Pound Cake.  FABULOUS!)

It's the comfort of crafting/artistry, curled up on the couch near a roaring fire.

It's looking after critters, as they try to survive through the cold and deep snow.

(The chickadees know that I am a source of food. Every time I leave the house when the feeders are empty, they will fly up to me and scold me for my lack of attention.  The video above was taken immediately after the feeder was re-filled - my goodness, what a flurry of activity!)

It's a feeling of warmth, a glow that radiates from within.  Cold can't penetrate it; world news can't put it out.  The Good News prevails.

I pray, as 2020 draws to a close, that you are in good spirits, be they tied to Christmas or another tradition.  From my house to yours, I wish you lightness, joy, comfort, contentment, awe, delight and warmth.  

Welcome to Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme where we get together to share our photo mosaics and collages.
Please include at least one photo mosaic/collage in your post.
The link will be open from 1 p.m. Sunday until 11 p.m. Tuesday (U.S. Mountain time). 
Remember to add the link to your Mosaic Monday post and not the one to your blog. 
Please link back to this post so that your readers will be able to visit and enjoy more wonderful mosaics; taking the MM blog button from my sidebar is an easy way to link back. 
As host I will visit every participant and leave a comment so that you know I stopped by. 
Please try and visit as many other blogs as you can, especially those that join in later, so that everyone's creativity can be appreciated fully. 
Thank you for joining in today and sharing your mosaics with us. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All you described aptly fits the bill. Over the years, I’ve come to think of this as the season of giving. Although too commercialized, it is the time to think of someone else and to give not only “things” but of ourselves. I've come back to say, your cards are a delight!

  3. sure have the Christmas spirit, the ree is up and wreaths are on the doors and that about it here, Thanks Angie for hosting the party!

  4. Lovely post, happy Christmas to you. We will probably be at the beach.

  5. Beautiful landscape, decorations and yummy looking food.
    2020 can't rid the world, or at least me, of the "glad tidings", comfort and joy of the season.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  6. Christmas is a beautiful season and you have written about it so well.

  7. I hope it will be a white Christmas because a snowy one is Christmas to me. The food we used to have is no longer available in the shops as it was "country" food. Home-made ham and such.
    Love your beautiful wildlife.
    Take care. :)

  8. All of your Christmas items are beautiful and we all love this time of year.

  9. it all looks warm and wonderful. We play Mexican Train and the “Christmas Spirit” that you show with it sounds delicious (with or without the dominos). I read it to my “head bartender” and he said “save that one.” Thank you for the (real) Christmas Spirit nudge ... I needed that.

  10. I like your decked halls. I also like the cards.

    Lightness and joy to you, too. We need to spread that where we can.

  11. Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year! As I decorated my Christmas tree each and every ornament I placed on it brought back sweet memories to me. Your cards are very creative and I loved seeing the birds at you feeder. I need to find a really good squirrel proof feeder. Thank you for the compliment on my pumpkin buttermilk cake! I may be making another one for Christmas.

  12. I hope everyone can find the Christmas spirit this year. We were talking at lunch time about how we in Australia can not appreciate what it is like for many many people around the world were Covid numbers are high. Especially the front line workers. I think we need to find the Christmas spirit especially more this year. Thank you for your lovely post and for the link up. Enjoy your week and stay safe.

  13. Angie, you ask how each get mood for for Christmas. Really, I must tune myself. It's difficult in this hard last weeks.
    After much contemplation, I say it's to write cards for family and friends, to telephon with many good people and ... to give more attention.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  14. Hello Angie,
    It looks like you have the Christmas spirit. Your home is beautifully decorated! The cards are great, you are talented. I love the video of your feeder birds and the deer. It is nice to spread the light and joy of this special season. Beautiful mosaic, thanks for hosting. Have a happy day and a great week ahead.

  15. Thanks for the wishes, Angie. It looks like Christmas has come earlier to your house than in ours, however, this coming weekend has the decorations being put up. Best wishes for Christmas to you and your family!

  16. Those martinis are certainly part of the Christmas spirit!
    Thank you for hosting, Angie.

  17. Oh I loved your post, it describes the meaning of christmas so beautifully in so many ways! And of course I do love your decorations in your house and must admit I'm a bit jealous of all the snow, it truly looks like Winter Wonderland ;)
    P.S. The pictures of the crepes and cider remindes me of good times in Hamburg when w visited the Crepes Restaurant

  18. The Christmas Spirit started in September as here in Trinidad we have a local radio station which brings a 100 days of Christmas music highlighting the songs and music of local artistes. And now The Season of Advent heightening the anticipation. Yes i am totally caught in the Christmas Season
    Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  19. Hi Angie :)) Oh my gosh that lunch! It looks SO DARN GOOD. :) I have the Christmas me it's just the excitement of celebrating yet another holiday with my husband and my pets in my home. :) I guess I always have some kind of holiday spirit going on! And we got a wee bit of snow today so that helps! :) I love your decorations and I'll have to try out your Head Chef's warming martini recipe. I love all of those ingredients! The cake looks deeeeeelicious!!! :) And your cards are so pretty!

  20. I can feel your Christmas spirit down here! Your cards are so lovely. I am all decorated and enjoying the season. Tho I miss going out to lunch, but bars and restaurants are off limits for us. Too risky. So I cook and bake and we entertain ourselves at home. You take care and have a lovely week! Kit

  21. Dear Angie - Christmas is not a holiday in my country. It would be just one of the exciting seasonal events to many people but some people understand its essential meaning, love and forgiveness. Like you, special songs get me into the mood for Christmas and I like the excitement in the air when strolling around. To me, Christmas spirit is the joy of giving and sharing and the warmth of family being together. New Year is more important culturally and how to spend the day is like your Christmas; traditional cuisine, presents, games, visiting shrine or temple, and so on. Your cards are lovely – you’re so talented as I have always thought. With best wishes to you for the holiday season.


  22. I do love the thrill of finding just the right something for someone. Yippee for finding a new spot with good cider and eats! Your cards are delightful. Isn't it nice to have a resident bartender?! We are in Coeur d'Alene right now, staying at the resort. It has been a nice break from the world. Happy to return home today to my already decorated home. I will finish up the Christmas cards tomorrow and get them in the mail. Hope you have a lovely week!

  23. I love Meghan's card..the bears are hilarious! Please ask #1 Chef if he changed the cake ingredients for high altitude. Cheers and love, Ducky

  24. A sampler is always more fun than one. I love distilleries best. Lovely snowy trees photo. The Christmas trees are decorated at my house now. That put me in the spirit. My favorite spirit is tequila!

  25. Seems there's not enough standing room at the feeder. :) Christmas music always sets the mood for holiday cheer. Used to listen to it all through December, maybe even starting in November, but haven't done so in years. There's a whole lot of people who definitely need some cheer to pull them through the year that was.

  26. Love your snow pictures. We left our RV in Tucson at the end of last February and enjoy being back here once again after a long hot summer away. November and December have good months to travel with campground less full. We mask up everywhere outside of our site to be careful and only shop every two weeks.

  27. I love the cards you've made! And the beautiful snowy scenes. I'm definitely enjoying the winter season here. It's the best time of year to get out on the trails here. We hiked today! Enjoy your beautiful home and lovely decorations...oh and that cake! Hugs!

  28. I don't get into the Christmas spirit until later. Usually I make an effort by going to a Christmas store or event, but not this year.

  29. Ooops! Forgot to link up on Monday! Thanks for hosting, Angie.

  30. Hi Angie, can you let me know what brand of bourbon and cider you used for the martini recipe? We have lots of bourbons in our bar and I'd love to make the one you made. Also, here we can't get sweet apple cider, so we always substitute with apple juice. Let me know! :)

  31. The Christmas Spirit is when we see all the grandkids on Christmas Day. And in the evening, relax on our own twosome with a glass of wine and a cold turkey sandwich.

  32. Lovely Christmas artifacts you have made. And the birds and Stag Deer, beautiful.

  33. oooooh you and the food, your killing me, the food is amazing!!! your decorations are so pretty and the cards, so personal and beautiful!!

    i watched the video, what an active place!!

  34. i forgot about the christmas spirit, it is a feeling, a beautiful feeling!!

  35. I love your attitude and enthusiasm for Christmas!!
    Sometimes I feel like Marley's ghost, weighted down by the expectations of others. One of these days I would like to go walk on the beach Christmas morning and boil shrimp for dinner.

  36. Your Christmas decorations are so pretty. It's good to see people get in to the holiday mode. Let it be the most happy part of a crazy year.

  37. Love all the different Santas and lovely holiday post and photos ^_^

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. Hello Angie, what a lovely post, I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.
    We are certainly getting into the Christmas season and looking forward to seeing and talking with family and grandchildren over Christmas.
    Alas it will not be possible to see them all in the flesh (so to speak) but we can give each other a virtual hug and kiss over the internet.
    Have to say your martini sounds wonderfully warming.
    Enjoy the season, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  39. That hoarfrost is lovely! I'm longing for colder weather!


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