Sunday, January 23, 2022

Mosaic Monday #164: Idaho, Here I Come!

Last week, we helped #1 Son move from Montana to Idaho Falls as he prepared to start his new job on January 17.  Of course, we were sad to say goodbye, but it was also a joyful moment given that his job search took over a year, and he waited for his security clearance for 5 months!  On December 21, the day he was told about his clearance and his start date, I made several signs that were waiting for him when he returned home from his temporary job at the burger joint.

I mobbed him as he came through the door; the long wait was over!

The intervening three weeks flew past, full of anticipation and the myriad of details that accompany a move and a new job.  Back in Fall 2020, Spousal Unit and #1 Son enjoyed a cross-country road trip to complete the relocation from Ohio to Montana; all of #1 Son's belongings fit securely in the back of his Toyota Rav (well, actually, some he left at the home of one of his aunts!)  This time, we gave him a starter kit of items for his apartment, and also made sure he took with him possessions that we have been storing for years (I lost count of how many Lego sets we had!)  

The entry of the house was stacked with boxes, and the last morning I eyed it with some skepticism.  But the boys managed to fit all of it into the Toyota Rav or my Toyota 4Runner.    We were ready early, but #1 Son had an appointment for a booster, so we waited until the appropriate time.  And would my car start?  No!  And could #1 Son turn around and come back?  No - he had to make his appointment.  We had just enough room to pull Spousal Unit's rig out of the garage and give me a jump.  Whew!  I suppose it was good to get that out of the way - the rest of the trip was uneventful.

We were blessed with good weather (only one big patch of dense fog near Missoula) and the drive went quickly.

As part of his benefits package, #1 Son receives temporary living until his apartment is available on February 8.  He checked into the Candlewood Suites (we had also booked a room there for one evening) and we promptly started ferrying boxes from the vehicles to his room.  We made no attempt to organize anything - it was already late and everyone wanted food and beverages!!!

After dinner, the booster started to kick in (headache, fever), and we were also weary from the drive.  So we bid each other goodnight, with a plan to touch base in the morning.
#1 Son was still dragging in the morning, so Spousal Unit went shopping for him - just a basic shop to get him started.  And then it was the moment we had been dreading - the good-bye!!!  But I managed to get through it - partly because we know we will be seeing him again in February!!!  We have a ski trip/visit with my brother and his wife in Utah planned for late February, and we will visit #1 Son on the way down and back for one night each.  How cool is that?  And by then he will be in his new apartment, so we will get to see him in his native habitat!!!!

On the way out of town, we passed the Giant Eagle Waterfall Nest sculpture.  Unlike most city fountains, this one is left running in the winter to create the magical ice sculpture effect.  I am thrilled for #1 Son that he has a whole new town to explore, experience and make his own.

Maybe it was a sign that, on the drive home, we saw at least 50 raptors (hawks, eagles, kestrels).

The house feels vacant now; we are re-experiencing the empty nest syndrome all over again.  No late-night shouting from downstairs while he plays video games with friends across the globe.  No creaking floor boards from upstairs when he retires to bed.  No headlights sweeping the driveway when he returns from town.  He did leave me a box of photos and knick-knacks he did not plan to take to Idaho Falls - going through it today, I came across this cross-stitch my Mom made to celebrate his birth.  The star was born, and the star has been launched!

Welcome to Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme where we get together to share our photo mosaics and collages.
Please include at least one photo mosaic/collage in your post.
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  1. best to him in his new job!

  2. a fun and beautiful post. I wish your son all the best in his new location and job. That´s a beautiful fountain. Would have loved seeing it. :)

  3. Congratulations to your son. The cross-stitch is a keeper he will one day want for his own home. Your first-born is lucky, indeed, to have the love and support of his parents, especially at transitional times. All these “little” assists are massively helpful. An empty nest feeling can’t top the relief one feels when children grow ever-more self-sufficient.

  4. Thank you Angie for hosting!
    Sending many blessings to you and your #1 Son, may his future be filled with lots of things which to be glad for!
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  5. That was quite a trip, best of luck to your sons next stage of life.

  6. A lovely post ...
    Many congratulations to your son.
    I wish him good luck as he settles into a new job and new location.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh yes, I can understand you... this letting go...
    I tell you, this will be a joy in February :-)))
    My children live nearby in neighboring cities... and...
    grandchildren are already here :-)))
    Hugs from me.
    Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

  8. Good grief - what an adventure!! Yay for getting the other car started, and great timing on the booster's reaction. Good luck for Son #1!

  9. I am glad that the trip was a safe one, that was quite the jaunt!

  10. I know how exciting it is to see your son begin his profession, and yet how it also pulls on a Mother's heartstrings to see him fully on their own. Wishing your son much success and happiness in Idaho!

  11. I hope all goes well for your son on his new adventure, new job, and new life! I know it is probably difficult letting go, but he will be enjoying his new beginning, and it is not too far to visit! Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thank you again for the link up.

  12. What a fun adventure to your son's new home and job! There is always sadness, but great joy, too, when our grown up children leave and begin new adventures of their own. The little cross stitch your dear mum made for his birth is touching. So many beautiful memories there, of both your mum and your newborn son. I must say that fountain and the ice sculptures is fascinating.

  13. Hello,

    Good luck and best wishes to your son, with his new job and home. Idaho Falls is a beautiful place. Love the views of the Eagle sculpture and the scenes from the drive. Lovely images. Take care, enjoy your new week!

  14. How nice for everyone to pitch in and help! I'm wishing him the very best! Happy MM!!!

  15. Sorry for my late comment... There are wonderful news, Angie, congratulation. It's a little hard and sad too, to say good bye for this moment. Sure, I believe. Wish your son a very good beginning.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  16. Aw that is such a bittersweet time and I remember it (a few times over). You did well launching your star!! And what a nice roadtrip there and back.

  17. Congratulations to your Star! May he thrive in his new environment. How nice to have an overnight spot when you travel to Utah! I'm sure he is grateful for all your help!

  18. It's good you could see his new town and help him get sort of settled. I hope #1 Son the best of success in his new position.

  19. Looks like a trip to remember. Have a good week.

  20. Great for your son, hope he will do well.
    Brilliant those raptors.

  21. Hi Angie. I'm sure #1 Son was very grateful for tour combined helps in letting him settle in. And of course, his new job must be better than flipping burgers even though he probably won't get to meet such interesting people. And it's almost February so it's not long to wait until you see him is it?

    I'm looking forward to April for you. Let me know when you're in Knott End and I'll buy the fish and chips.

  22. So cool that your son is going to be working at a cool place in a great city, and that you guys got to help him get moved. Lots of really smart people work out at "The Site" as they call it.

  23. Congratulations to him and his new job and surroundings.

  24. That's sweet Angie! :) I'm sure the house feels very empty! Lovely views for your drive, that sculpture is fantastic!!


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