Sunday, September 5, 2021

Mosaic Monday #146: Hope

Everywhere I turn, I see signs of despair.  Perhaps despair is too strong a word - maybe it's sadness.  A quiet resignation that things are not going well, with the accompanying sense that it is beyond our control.  A deep concern about events across the globe.  And your political party or country doesn't seem to matter - everyone seems to think the world is in trouble!  So, I decided to write a post about hope.  Actually, I am highlighting quotes from other people, people much smarter than me.  I "hope" that this shines a little light into your day!


"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31

 "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."  Winston Churchill


"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start from where you are and change the ending."  C.S. Lewis


"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.  Anger at the way things are and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are."  Saint Augustine


*In Montana, open range is the default position.  So, if you don't want cattle grazing your property, you have to fence them out.  Imagine my dismay to see this cow (and several others) show up on my trail cam.  This meant they had gotten through some fencing!  No damage was done, and my husband and a neighbor repaired the fence that we think was the entry point.

"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence."  Lin Yutang


"Hope is the ocean for the river, the sun for the trees and the sky for us."  Maxime Lagace


"You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own."  Michelle Obama


"Sometimes your only available form of transportation is a leap of faith."  Margaret Shepard


*Quilts at the Northwest Montana Fair

"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."  Gloria Steinem






"If we are to have any hope for the future, those who have lanterns must pass them on to others."  Plato


"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."  Martin Luther King, Jr.


"Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it."  Barack Obama


"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."  Maya Angelou



Welcome to Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme where we get together to share our photo mosaics and collages.
Please include at least one photo mosaic/collage in your post.
The link will be open from 1 p.m. Sunday until 11 p.m. Tuesday (U.S. Mountain time).
Remember to add the link to your Mosaic Monday post and not the one to your blog.
Please link back to this post so that your readers will be able to visit and enjoy more wonderful mosaics; taking the MM blog button from my sidebar is an easy way to link back.
As host I will visit every participant and leave a comment so that you know I stopped by.
Please try and visit as many other blogs as you can, especially those that join in later, so that everyone's creativity can be appreciated fully.
Thank you for joining in today and sharing your mosaics with us. 


  1. ...I have a hard time juggling hope and realism. Beavers here rarely chew on evergreen trees, but they will chew enough of a tree and leave it for the wind to finish the job. Thanks Angie for hosting.

  2. Good evening, Angie. I read your hopefully Post. Yes, we can hope. It's a great Power in each of us. But we must will this. It's necessary to decide for hope, for light in darkness.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Happy MosaicMonday and thank you for hosting 😘

  3. Hope dies last. We simply can’t afford to lose it.

  4. Those trailcam shots got a smile out of me.

  5. Thank you for this post, the quotes, recipes and photographs.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  6. Hope is a wonderful thing and so are your words. We'll make it through to better times.

  7. Appreciate the hope-filled thoughts! Hope may be all some people have!

  8. Wonderfully said! When I see evidence in nature to how the earth formed many many millions of years ago, and it is still here in all its wonder, I know that the world will go on. To me that brings hope for the future!

  9. thank you. We certainly need a dose of hope these days. We have been watching over the last 10 days or so the Australian coverage of the Paralympics in Tokyo. Those people certainly know hope and determination. Stay safe and enjoy your week and thank you again for the link up. I'm back!

  10. Hello, Angie
    Wonderful post, we must hold on and never give up on hope. I enjoyed all the photos and quotes. The cow would be a surprise visitor. Take care, have a great day and new week!

  11. A wonderful post we need that renewal of hope now
    Happy Monday everyone


  12. I'm with you, Angie. Yes, things seem to be going from bad to worse, but it is up to each of us to try and change things, stop the downhill slide. And yes, hope does fuel our determination and tenacity.

  13. Hope can be as destructive or as constructive as we wish to make it, Angie. Hope can be a mountain that weighs us down or the weight of a mountain that anchors us to move other mountains.
    Thanks for hosting!

  14. That must have been something to see that cow in your cam. :) Wow...and that beaver has been busy. Great photos in your hope post! Happy Labor day to you. As per our history we are laboring again on labor day. Ha!

  15. Excellent blog. We have had beavers in the creek at the back of our property. We had to urge them to move downstream. They were flooding our back pasture.
    I like this saying---so thank you: "You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start from where you are and change the ending." C.S. Lewis

  16. I like this one best because it includes action: "Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it." Barack Obama

  17. With all that is happening in the world around us, it can feel overwhelming. It's hard to get on with the good things in our lives without feeling a little guilty that so many others are suffering. You wrote a beautiful post and I'll copy some of these quotes. Happy Monday!

  18. Hope is a thing with feathers... Emily Dickinson. I love all the quotes!

  19. A timely post. I've been feeling sad about the state of the earth.

  20. Dear Angie,
    thank you very much for your lovely comments and for pointing out that my link didn't work last time. This time I linked both of my posts, but yesterday I couldn't manage to leave you a comment. Today I would like to write to you how great I find your collection of hopeful quotes. Some of them speak to me from the heart. And also about the previous post I would like to tell you how great I found your hiking pictures and the videos of the adorable mountain goats and bears! The photo of you and your husband hugging with the beautiful sky and the dreamlike landscape in the background is really GREAT! Compliments to your nephew and congrats to you on your 30th wedding anniversary!
    All the best,

  21. That is a perfect collection of hopeful quotes and your pictures are so joyful. It is hard these days to balance personal happiness with fear for the state of the world (in life itself and in trying to figure out how to blog during these times.) Hope (along with the action suggested by some of the quotes) is probably the best emotion with to achieve some semblance of balance . Thanks for both hope and joy!

  22. I think where ever we are we need the boost of hope - this never ending pandemic is certainly draining and so it lovely to read your uplifting words!
    Have a lovely week
    Wren x

  23. Beautiful and sad, capitalism will never work, they must change now.
    I love the Heron, brilliant shots Angie.

  24. These are worrying times for the whole world. A world that seems infected by the same disease - greed for power and money. It's the same here Angie and will remain so until people realise what is happening to their hard won freedoms.

  25. My sentiment is totally the same with you, the words what you wrote at the beginning. Thank you, Angie, for this hopeful, inspiring post. I’m coming back soon.


  26. Thanks for the welcome back. Hope is something we all need to hold dear. Being dual citizens we could always cross the border both ways, but the 14-day quarantine kept us away from going back to Canada in between our Arizona RV trips. We decided to stay in our Bellingham condo for the month long breaks between our three month long trips. We enjoyed ourselves using safe protocols, but not getting home for so long made us sad. Now we are here for three months before heading back to Arizona. And I hope to block about those trips again this year. - Margy

  27. Fine sentiments all, and we do need to have hope. The reality the world presents to us is daunting, however, and realistic hope as opposed to pollyanna hope, can be hard to come by. We are about to have an election here to choose a new national government, people to lead us into the future, yet who have no vision themselves. So many politicians simply become slimier in direct proportion to their time in office, and their self interest supersedes all dedication to the national interest. I will hold my nose and vote for the least odious, but that's a hell of a way to vote. The hope that something good will come from that escapes me.

  28. Nice post, Angie. We all need hope more than ever before.
    Love your cam shots, the Blue Heron is a beauty.

  29. Great post!! Hope this finds you well. We are doing great south of you. Leaves are starting to fall and I love the cool days. No frost yet. We had to sell our football tickets,we just couldn't risk sitting in a crowded stadium even being vaccinated. So we are just enjoying our home and gardens. Stay safe and happy Fall. Kit


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